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end times

Press Release – GOD’s Indestructible World

  GOD’s Indestructible World”

The Age of Judaism vs. The Age of The Church

Sulphur Springs, TX  — March 23 — Dr. Jimmy Henry, a pastor in Sulphur Springs, TX, announces the release of his book, “GOD’s Indestructible World” This book was written as a study comparing two eras described in the Bible. 

Dr. Jimmy Henry has spent over 66 years in the ministry serving God through the local church.  His passion to reveal truth from the light of Scripture led him to write this book.

The views presented in this book differ greatly from the traditional views presented by many.  In his latest book, Dr. Henry seeks to apply sound rules of interpretation and reveal how the Bible is a book of symbolic language that is laced with figurative expressions and uses cosmic imagery extensively.

Are we now living in the “last days” of planet earth?  Is the Lord Jesus coming soon and bringing everything to an end?

Dr. Henry explains that, “Instead of living in fear that the world is soon to be destroyed in a blaze of fire, the language used about the end of the world actually applied to the Old Covenant age of Judaism and not to planet earth.”

The book addresses subjects such as:

  • Taking words out of context
  • Failed past predictions
  • The everlasting planet earth
  • We are not on a sinking ship
  • Does the Bible really say planet earth will end?
  • The heavens and earth that passed away
  • The Lord’s kingdom established
  • The sky is not falling
  • And more

Dr. Jimmy Henry has written and published seventeen books. He is a believer in the Sovereignty of God and Full Preterism.

His greatest desire is to share those truths he has learned through many years of study with those that hunger and thirst after righteousness.

The professionally published book is available in paperback for $14.95, plus shipping or Kindle version, currently for $5.99.  The 109 page book correlates the prophecies of the Old Testament with the events of the New Testament.

About Jimmy Henry

James A. (Jimmy) Henry has been a Baptist Minister for 66 years.  He has pastored nine churches in Texas and Arkansas.  He is presently pastor of Caney Baptist Church in Pickton, TX.

He graduated from Jacksonville Baptist College  with an A. A. & Th. B.  From Baylor University with a B.A.  from Ouachita Baptist University with an M.A.  From North American Theoligical Seminary with a B.D. Th.M.  From American Divinity School with a Th. D. And also received an Honorary Litt. D.

Jimmy also served as Executive Director of the Ministers Benefit Department for eight years.

He married Bennie L. Frye in 1954. They have four children, seven grand children and sixteen great grand children.

Dr. Henry can be reached via email at

You can purchase your copy here.


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GOD’s Indestructible World


The Age of Judaism vs. The Age of The Church 

By Dr. Jimmy Henry 

Are we now living in the “last days” of planet earth?  Is the Lord Jesus coming soon and bringing everything to an end?  This has been the belief of millions of Christians for hundreds of years.  Did God create this earth just to destroy it one day?

The views presented in this book differ greatly from the traditional views presented by many.  In this book Dr. Henry seeks to apply sound rules of interpretation and reveal how the Bible is a book of symbolic language in that it is laced with figurative expressions and uses cosmic imagery extensively.

Instead of living in fear that the world is soon to be destroyed in a blaze of fire, Dr. Henry shows that the language used about the end of the world and all the devastation predicted, actually applied to the Old Covenant age of Judaism and not to planet earth.

Effort is made to explain the figurative and symbolic expressions and show that it was fulfilled during the forty years between the ascension of Jesus in approximately AD 30 and His glorious return in judgment on Israel in AD 70.

Men are urged to begin to live in hope of a bright and unending future for themselves and their children, not in gloom and despair fearing that everything might end at any moment.  It is the author’s contention that the earth was made to abide forever just as Solomon said, “One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.” Ecclesiastes 1:4

Read the press release here.

Click here to purchase your copy today!


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Press Release – Is the Rapture Past or Future?

Is The Rapture Past Or Future? | Jimmy HenryIs The Rapture Past Or Future?

Depopulation in an Instant?

Sulphur Springs, TX  — December 4 — Dr. Jimmy Henry, a pastor in Sulphur Springs, TX, announces the release of his book, “Is The Rapture Past Or Future?” This book was written as a study of the return of Christ commonly known as the Rapture. 

Dr. Jimmy Henry has spent over 66 years in the ministry serving God through the local church.  His passion to reveal prophetic events from the light of Scripture led him to write this book.

Over the past 200 years the common teaching about Christ’s return indicates a future event on the horizon.  However, does this view agree with the statements of the Bible?

“Many preachers teach that we are living in the last days.” said author Dr. Jimmy Henry, “Many predictions have been made as to when the Rapture would occur, but all have failed. It is time to take another look at the writings of Scripture.”

The book addresses subjects such as:

  • The great and dreadful day of the Lord
  • The stone the builders rejected
  • According to God’s will
  • What ever happened to the Devil?
  • Has the day of miracles ended?
  • The doom of Jerusalem
  • The ending of the old age
  • Establishing the kingdom of Christ
  • And more

Dr. Jimmy Henry has written and published seventeen books. He is a believer in the Sovereignty of God and Full Preterism.

His greatest desire is to share those truths he has learned through many years of study with those that hunger and thirst after righteousness.

The professionally published book is available in paperback for $19.95, plus shipping or Kindle version, currently for $8.99.  The 291 page book correlates the prophecies of the Old Testament with the events of the New Testament.

About Jimmy Henry

James A. (Jimmy) Henry has been a Baptist Minister for 66 years.  He has pastored nine churches in Texas and Arkansas.  He is presently pastor of Caney Baptist Church in Pickton, TX.

He graduated from Jacksonville Baptist College  with an A. A. & Th. B.  From Baylor University with a B.A.  from Ouachita Baptist University with an M.A.  From North American Theoligical Seminary with a B.D. Th.M.  From American Divinity School with a Th. D. And also received an Honorary Litt. D.

Jimmy also served as Executive Director of the Ministers Benefit Department for eight years.

He married Bennie L. Frye in 1954. They have four children, seven grand children and sixteen great grand children.

Dr. Henry can be reached via email at


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Is The Rapture Past Or Future?

Is The Rapture Past Or Future? | Jimmy HenryIs The Rapture Past Or Future?

Depopulation in an Instant?

by Dr. Jimmy Henry

Did you grow up being told that at any minute Jesus could return? The idea of the Rapture was virtually unknown before the early 1800’s.

Over the past 200 years this view has become widely accepted by fundamental Christians in America.  It is the common view taught in many Bible colleges and seminaries.

Many preachers have taught that we are living in the “last days.” Many predictions have been made as to when that miraculous appearing of Jesus would be fulfilled. However, each and every one has come and gone without that great event occurring.

This book presents a different view and understanding of this scriptural happening. Is the Rapture a past or future event?  It’s time to look at this important event in a logical manner relying on scripture to reveal the answer. If you are willing to question what you have been taught, then you will be delighted to see what the Bible reveals.  Purchase your copy today.

Read the press release here.

Purchase your copy today.  Paperback $19.95  e-book (Kindle) $8.99

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Press Release – Eyewitnesses Of His Majesty

For Immediate ReleaseEyewitnesses Of His Majesty | Return of Jesus Christ | Dr. Jimmy Henry

New Book Published

Eyewitnesses Of His Majesty

A Biblical View Of The Return Of Jesus Christ

Sulphur Springs, TX  — September 21 — Dr. Jimmy Henry, a pastor in Sulphur Springs, TX, announces the release of his book, “Eyewitnesses Of His Majesty.” This book was written as a study of the prophetic writings concerning Christ’s return and the eyewitness accounts of those living at the time of their fulfillment.

Dr. Jimmy Henry has spent over 66 years in the ministry serving God through the local church.  His passion to reveal how God worked his plan through the nation of Israel led him to write this book.

In this book the author shows that the writings of old were exactly correct in predicting the mission and return of Jesus Christ by correlating them with the events of the New Testament.

Is it possible that Jesus right now is “the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords”? said author Dr. Jimmy Henry, “The events of history prove that there was no delay in Christ finishing the work of his Father and has received his kingdom.”

The book addresses subjects such as:

  • The heaven and earth that perished
  • Saved from wrath through Jesus Christ
  • A kingdom that cannot be moved
  • The kingdom is (was) at hand
  • Why the kingdom was taken from Israel
  • The time of the end
  • The fulfilment of all things
  • The everlasting kingdom
  • And more

Dr. Jimmy Henry has written and published seventeen books. He is a believer in the Sovereignty of God and Full Preterism.

His greatest desire is to share those truths he has learned through many years of study with those that hunger and thirst after righteousness.

The professionally published book is available in paperback for $19.95, plus shipping or Kindle version, currently for $8.99.  The 284 page book correlates the prophecies of the Old Testament with the events of the New Testament.

About Jimmy Henry

James A. (Jimmy) Henry has been a Baptist Minister for 66 years.  He has pastored nine churches in Texas and Arkansas.  He is presently pastor of Caney Baptist Church in Pickton, TX.

He graduated from Jacksonville Baptist College  with an A. A. & Th. B.  From Baylor University with a B.A.  from Ouachita Baptist University with an M.A.  From North American Theoligical Seminary with a B.D. Th.M.  From American Divinity School with a Th. D. And also received an Honorary Litt. D.

Jimmy also served as Executive Director of the Ministers Benefit Department for eight years.

He married Bennie L. Frye in 1954. They have four children, seven grand children and sixteen great grand children.

Dr. Henry can be reached via email at


Read more about this book here.

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